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Showing posts from November, 2013

What should I do?

By creating a Gmail account you can easily signup to your Blog & other ( goolge product ) . When you are opening a Gmail account not creates this personally (think wisely) create this as a commercial think relating with your Blog topic & also with URL such as your Blog topics MOBILE PHONE   & URL is yet in a fact Gmail will be for better interaction with Audience, Communication, Social account will be easily share able and shortly renowned. After creating your Gmail ID then go to and follow instruction. If you feel any problem then don’t hesitate to contact with me here                                                                                        ...

Submitting Content on Google

Say to Search engine by submitting your content that you are here (Copy & Paste this link on search box ) then ----> --->submit your link on box  and manage Captcha  after that you will get this message Your request has been received and will be processed shortly. 

How can I make a site/blog? - আমি কিভাবে একটি সাইট / ব্লগ করতে পারেন?

Firstly - Choice your content topic by which you can comfortable to do work and you reserve (Experience) a lot of content idea about your topic. Secondly –Your url / link we’d as same as your topic suppose you are thinking for creating a site about MOBILE PHONE  in this situation your URL / LINK will be http:// or https:// or   is correct once, Not like this it’s a MOBILE PHONE related site but URL is different if you make a mistake then you will be loser such example is a bad practice and search engine crawling   will be hamper . Some times you can unable to get your content related desire link at this time you should change your content topic either you choice which Link is indicating you from hosting company. Note- If you facing trouble about this issue yet you are welcome here facebook  . Note-translated by google translator প্রথমত - আপনার বিষয় সম্পর্কে কন্টেন্ট ধারণা অনেক চয়েস আপনার বি...

Link Exchange-লিংক বিনিময়

Link Exchange: 1 st step- Create text area on your Blog & type your own html code Example As: <a href="" title="MOBILE PHONE" alt="MOBILE PHONE">Latest Info Corner Of Mobile Phone</a> Link Exchange: 2nd step- If you link some site then contact to webmaster & say to him that you linked his site & request him to link you again & again. Link Exchange: 3rd step- Don’t link different type of content & not provide to add link same always setup relation with parallel content provider. Some times you should visit linking site & if you see that your site has removed from there then you should contact webmaster about your link, it’s not a heart rendering matter just unfortunately it may happen. Note- Here description of DIFFERENT & PARALLEL suppose you are content holder of an Education site then your web world should be Education related that’s called parallel, at the same way if...