by JUAN BUIS — 2 days ago in GOOGLE Update 11/22/2016: Apparently, the post you are reading right now might be in your Google Analytics as referral traffic. Please note that neither this article, nor The Next Web, is partaking of any shady analytics practices. If you don’t watch where you’re going on the internet, you might be headed down a dark alley before you know it. Like a lot of big websites, we use Google Analytics to keep track of traffic on TNW. A few weeks ago, however, we spotted something that looked a bit out of the ordinary. Yep, that’s some proper Analytics spam to vote for Trump. It looks like you can get special access to something by copy-pasting the link to a Google website. But something seems a bit off about the link — the capital G seems smaller than normal, being about the same size as a lowercase letter. Let’s take a closer look. As revealed by Analytics Edge , ɢ isn’t actually Google...