Dear all of my fellow follower here I am discussing How to handle your social follower manually when they are negatively responding?
I have seen some of social media follower
Responding rate in LinkedIn,FACEBOOK and Twitter that observation result impact extremely negative atomic. It's happen when you follow personal commercial fellow at first they first like your content or they follow you when you follow them there after a few days later they will unfollow you . Some of your fellow follower unfollow you they does not like your immature content but Hugh fellow flower unfollow you after getting their success that mean you have been used by some one. I suggest you when you follow some one you should first think that whom and what I am following then you should follow some one like you . Ex- you also like tech in this case you should follow like fellow as same as you not do it alternate such as you love technology and following entertainment level personality it will be your Feautres killer that person will unfollow you must. But same minded fellow follower when unfollow you , You do not remember in this situation when you are watching a new fellow followed you that you must be do it that just inbox him or her a simple wishing message that is your tracking point in this case after a few days when you open your social media profile just see who had left you then cheack your social media message box who are unfollowing you after watching this . What should you do ? Your choice . I hope you got your answer.
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