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Moving Search Forward

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Today Microsoft and Yahoo announced that the companies amended their search partnership in a way that improves the search experience, creates value for advertisers and establishes ongoing stability for partners. Over the past five years, the search advertising market and both companies have changed dramatically and it makes sense to evolve the partnership. 

What is changing?
This update increases our agility and our focus on you, our customer. As a result, Microsoft will become the exclusive salesforce for ads delivered by Microsoft's Bing Ads platform. Integrating our sales team with our engineers will allow us to serve you more effectively and allow us to more quickly innovate on the Bing Ads platform. 

What does this mean for you?
  • You can continue advertising on Bing Ads as you have in recent years
  • You will continue to experience great levels of service and support from your Bing Ads Support Team
  • Bing Ads will continue to be critical to search advertisers. In fact, comScore recently announced that Bing share has surpassed 20% in the US, and we expect that will continue to grow. Combined with a majority of Yahoo PC search queries, Bing Ads will service a minimum of 26% of the total US search market, that's more than one in four searches. Therefore, you will not need to make any major changes in your approach or investment strategy with Bing Ads.
Bing continues to play a pivotal role within Microsoft and support our vision of reinventing productivity. We see search as the intelligent fabric that connects devices and services for the future, and unlocks new customer value through differentiated experiences. You've seen this idea come alive in products like Cortana and will see it even more so in Windows 10. These advances will ultimately help us develop new opportunities for our advertising customers. 

We're grateful to our customers who will continue to be our utmost priority. Microsoft is committed to the long-term success of our customers and our search business. We're looking forward to partnering with you more in the future. Please check ourblog to learn more. 


Bing Ads Support Team


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