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Multi-Screen Starter Guide

Multi-Screen Starter Guide - 3

Multi-screen success stories

AdSense publishers share their stories about why and how they’ve gone multi-screen. Here, you’ll find inspiring tips, and learn about the positive impact going multi-screen had on these publishers.
Some of these case studies are only available in English. Please check back as we'll continue to update this page with more case studies.
As a leading French online-learning organization, digiSchool regards mobile as its lever for growth. They are committed to transitioning all services and content to mobile as quickly as possible. By implementing responsive web design they've already improved their mobile user experience and their users now spend 25% more time on the mobile site than before. Read more about digiSchool.
digiSchool logo
Famous Birthdays
Going mobile early offered the opportunity to put some competitive distance between their site and larger, slower-moving industry players. Founder Evan Britton says, "The important thing to realize is that growth in the mobile market is all about offering a better experience."Read more about Famous Birthdays.
Famous Birthdays logo
The Japan Times
The Japan Times went multi-screen using responsive web design to provide the best user experiences across various devices on a single domain. Unique users increased by 50% and traffic coming from mobile devices went up by 79% after the change. Read more about The Japan Times.
The Japan Times logo
With more than 50% of traffic coming from mobile devices, Listverse decided to go multi-screen using WordPress. Listverse site took mobile-first strategies when designing the site structure which resulted in +50% daily unique visitors and +30% eCPM. Read more about Listverse
Listverse logo
Inspired by the single code solution of responsive web design, Zorpia built multi-screen site just in a few weeks. Zorpia’s multi-screen strategies brought +64% RPM uplift and the shift in design principles to deliver a seamless experience across devices. Read more about Zorpia.


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