To include the Table Capsule in your Hub:
- Click on the Table Capsule icon in the Capsule Palette (at the top right corner of the HubTool) and reposition it as desired.
- Click the "edit" button and add a subtitle if you like. You have several options when it comes to entering data into your table.
- You can enter information into the table manually or import it from another location. If you wish to upload data from your computer, check the “My Computer” radio button, click “Choose file,” and select any csv (comma separated values) file from your computer. If you are uploading a larger file, keep in mind that this may take some time. If you have an online csv from which you wish to draw information, select “The Web” radio button, and enter in the URL of your file of interest, then click “load.”
- To customize your table’s appearance and functionality, select a style from the dropdown menu, and determine whether or not you would like to make the table sortable by checking the related checkbox or leaving it blank.
- To insert, clear, or delete rows or columns, or to bold selected text, utilize the dropdown menus directly above the table, then click "update."
- When you are finished editing your table, you may wish to add a caption describing your table.
- Once all of your information is entered, formatted, and captioned, click “Save.”
- From hubpages
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