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Linking on HubPages And Use The Link Capsule

Linking on HubPages

Linking to websites or other articles that enhance your content, is easy on HubPages. There are two main ways to link on HubPages: with the Links Capsule and by using the link function in the Text Capsule (the preferred manner).

How to Use the Links Capsule

The Links Capsule allows you to share relevant links with your readers in an organized manner.

To utilize the Links Capsule:

  1. Click its icon and adjust its position within your Hub as desired.
  2. Click the “edit” button and add an optional subtitle.
  3. Enter links: If you already have the URLs of the various links you wish to share, you can enter them in manually or by cutting and pasting them from a document or other Internet browser windows or tabs.
  4. Once the URL is in the text bar, click the “add link” button. A window will pop down showing the link’s URL, it’s title, and its description. You can edit all three.
  5. Edit the title, description, and URL as desired. To make sure that your URL still works after you have edited it, click the “test link” button. If the link does not work, text saying “Bad Link” will appear; if it does work, the resulting text will read “Link is OK.”
  6. Click the “done” link when you are finished editing. You can always edit this link later. If you wish to delete a link, click the red “x” button.

If you would like to search for a link instead of manually adding it, or if you wish to include links to other relevant Hubs in your Hub:

  1. Click the “edit” button of the Links Capsule.
  2. Check the “search” radio button.
  3. Type in a keyword, then click the “Search HubPages” button. A list of potential links will result, showing you titles, article Hubscores, and authors. Title text links to the original Hub while author text links to the profile page of the Hubber who wrote it.
  4. If you like a particular link in this list, click the “Add link” text. Doing so will result in another expanded window allowing you to edit the URL, title, and text. You can select as many links from HubPages or other URLs as you like.
  5. To change the order of links you have selected, drag each link to its proper location in your list.
  6. When you are finished adding links, click the “save” button.
  7. From hubp


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