To ensure the integrity of HubPages, we have implemented new rules in regards to Amazon and eBay Capsules. All Hubs must have at least 100 original words for every product listed, e.g., if you have three Amazon products listed, you must have at least 300 words of text.
How to Use the Amazon Capsule on HubPages
The Amazon Capsule enables you to share relevant products with readers.
To include the Amazon Capsule in your Hub:
- Click its icon and reposition it as desired.
- Click the "edit" button and add a subtitle if you like. At this point, you have the option to enter in a specific product, or simply share results for a specific keyword search.
- If you have a specific product on that you wish to showcase, click the “Choose specific products” button. You will then be prompted with a text box into which you can enter in a specific Amazon URL, ASIN, or ISBN. The easiest option is typically to enter in a URL.
- If you like, you may add your own description of the item by clicking “add description.”
- We recommend this option so that your readers are given the most relevant product.
You do not have to have specific products in mind to include the Amazon Capsule in your Hub; to enter search terms instead of a specific product code or URL:
- Select the “Choose keywords” option and enter in specific keywords related to the content of your Hub.
- If you would like to limit the product area of your search, utilize the dropdown menus.
- When you are finished entering in a specific item and description for a specific product, or keywords and restrictions for general searches, click the “Preview Amazon Results” button to be sure that the results are to your liking.
- When you are pleased with the results and wish to make no further changes, click Save.
Be careful when using keyword-selected products, since they are more likely to be unrelated to your Hub's content. Always check to make sure any products you include are directly related to the subject of the Hub they are displayed in (e.g. don't list options to buy power tools in a Hub about the history guitars).
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